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Can you make a mobile version please

before, I played for a long time and good game

the flame bullets in the pistol is op


You are a pervert. 👉


this is a porn game. we're all perverts.

u clicked a porn game just to type tht?

Wow this game is amazing (like you ;)) and it turns me in a lot 2 questions though                                                                                                                                                                                                   1. Do you use patreon through google/chrome or can you use mobile?

2.(nvm this isn't a question) I really like your name





That's what she and your mom said XD


you are 100% 11 years old.


delicious game

updates in the future?

(1 edit) (+1)

No, there is only a demo and this game not have enough content to make it fully free, game can be bought only on DLSite or you can play in full version if you subscribes at my patreon to the "swordsman" tier

(2 edits)

Could you maybe tell me the what kind of stages 3-5 are or what kind of enemies  there are going to be?

This would help me to decide if i want to join the Patreon and buy the game.

I don't think you are able to answer this but i would be really happy if you could.

Overall i really like this game.


Idk if this counts as necro posting but theres a more updated version of this game on newgrounds that u can download. sorry if you already knew or just got patreon version
